Friday, September 5, 2014

Girl Scout Silver Award project continues to find kindness

We're excited to have a guest writer for today's blog post. Phala Montgomery is the mother of Madisyn, a 14-year old Girl Scout Senior who completed her Girl Scout Silver Award by launching a campaign to stop bullying and Continue to Find Kindness (C.T.F.K.). Congratulations, Madisyn, on all of your success!

So much has happened since Madisyn has officially completed her project for her Girl Scout Silver Award. Her goal was to start a project that would carry on a message and continue to help the community far past the end of her project. In the end, she chose such a great topic that it has done exactly what she set out to do.

Madisyn screen printing her shirts! Photo borrowed from

Madisyn completed her project by speaking to over 250 girls in the Oregon City community about how to recognize being mean and know when it becomes bullying. She teaches how to recognize bullying, resolve bullying, and revolutionize kindnessMadisyn designed a logo for her campaign and put it on t-shirts to have a visual for everyone to recognize her message to Continue to Find Kindness and STOP Mean Girl Bullying! To this day, over 200 shirts are being worn throughout not only the Oregon City community, but other communities as well.

This summer Madisyn organized a parade march with her troop #42448 and troop #42123 and many friends. Over 22 participants marched in the Sandy Mountain Festival Parade this year representing her campaign to stop the mean girl phenomenon by Continuing to Find Kindness. Madisyn, the Girl Scout troops, and our friends took the first place blue ribbon home this year! A special thank you to all the girls and boys who played such an important part in Madisyn’s message. We totally appreciate the support given by everyone having such a fun time and believing in a really incredible cause.

Madisyn and friends at the Sandy Mountain Festival Parade. Photo borrowed from

The Continue to Find Kindness banner at the Sandy Mountain Festival Parade. Photo borrowed from

On Monday, September 1, 2014, Madisyn was interviewed about her Continue to Find Kindness campaign by KATU's Kerry Tomlinson (see link below). Madisyn had the opportunity to share and talk about her message and her work on the 4, 5, and 6 p.m. news that night.

Madisyn’s work has brought hope and confidence to so many young girls in our community. She is truly inspired by how the girls are responding to her by their positive feedback and pledge to Continue to Find Kindness.

Congratulations Madisyn and thank you for truly inspiring so many others! Your message really does stand strong with the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Way to go!

If you'd like to learn more about Madisyn's project, check out these links:
  • KATU news feature:
  • Continue to Find Kindness Facebook page:

A special thank you from GSOSW to Phala for writing this post!